Meet Nebo 6 — AI Study sets, fixed-size pages, and more!
We’re excited to unveil Nebo 6, the result of our hard work this year to create the ultimate note-taking app for students. With features you’ve been asking for and new generative AI tools, this new version is ready to support you as you head back to school!
Nebo 2023 年:用戶取得顯著進步的一年
當我們準備翻開 2023 年這一頁時,現在是回顧這一年充滿重大更新和新功能的好時機。 我們的使命一如既往,是讓您的數位筆記體驗更流暢、更聰明、更愉快——所以請加入我們,回顧我們一路走來所達到的一些里程碑。
Nebo iPhone 版:您的筆記現在比以往更容易訪問
Nebo 專為 iPad 等平板電腦而設計,這些平板電腦憑藉更大的螢幕和 Apple Pencil 等筆的精準度提供了最佳的筆記體驗。 但我們知道,您有時需要在平板電腦無法使用時存取和更新您的內容 - 無論是電池意外耗盡還是您在旅途中但手邊沒有平板電腦。
Introducing Nebo AI beta – A revolutionary note-taking experience
We're thrilled to announce the Nebo AI beta release on iPad! Our commitment to technological innovation has always set us apart, and this beta rollout is no exception. Grounded in our deep expertise in AI and UX, we've seamlessly blended generative AI features into our world-leading AI handwriting technology, aiming to revolutionize your note-taking process. Let's dive in!
Nebo 5:筆記革命的前奏
Nebo 5 已經發布——而且不是定期更新。 我們的新版本為數字筆記革命奠定了基礎。
關於 Nebo 在 iPad 上的新免費計劃
我們正在通過改變 Nebo 為 iPad 用戶免費提供的內容來發展我們的社區。
Introducing Nebo 4 — Where ideas take shape
Three months ago, when we introduced Dark Mode with smart color management alongside new ways to personalize your notes, we also renamed our core page types. Nebo’s regular page became the Document while the freeform page became the Note. And though we didn’t say so at the time, this was a hint of new tech we were cooking up…
How Nebo improves enterprise workflows
Many business processes involve creating, editing and sharing digital content within a company, or between a company and its customers. Organizations of all kinds are increasingly well-equipped to manage their back-offices, standardizing around office automation tools, CRMs and ERPs.
Nebo enterprise deployments made easy!
Both Nebo and its underlying interactive ink technology are designed to improve the productivity not only of individuals but of teams and companies.